Thursday, November 5, 2015

PASG (Why I Go)

"We have known great sorrow, but we have seen the power of the Savior turn our most devastating defeats into glorious spiritual victories. . .We have paid an awful price in self-inflicted pain and suffering because of our addictions. . .By being humble and honest and calling upon God and others for help, you can overcome your addictions through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Just as we have recovered, you can recover and enjoy all the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. . . We assure you that if you follow this path with a sincere heart, you will find the power you need to recover from addiction. As you apply each of these twelve principles faithfully, the Savior will strengthen you and you will come to “know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”

Yes, I go to PASG
I go so that I can practice
To stop saying I so much
And break some habits
I go because my brothers get me
I'm not alone because my brothers are with me
I don't have to but I make it every Thursday 
I don't have to but I make it to stay worthy
And humble, because pride was the death of me
Acting like I knew more than God, was Satan weaponry
I say my name followed by "and I'm an addict"
Even if I'm no longer addicted I'll still say I'm an addict
Because I don't want to get lazy
Because that's when the devil will come at me crazy
To remain humble is the essence of the steps
To retrain my brain to fight whatever comes next
Be it billboards, commercials or signs
I'm building weapons and safe houses to escape in my mind
And sometimes battle because there are things you can't avoid
But no matter what comes into my mind it can be made void 
Yes, I go to PASG
I'm no longer afraid
I'm no longer a slave
I'm no longer being played
I'm no longer in a grave
But I've risen
Like the Savior my minds been resurrected
And I will work until the day it is perfected
Because He got me through this, Him alone
Well, some hard work from me but He atoned 
And felt every weakness, lie, and temptation
Just so that I might say with pride "I'm a recovering addict to pornography and masturbation"
Yes, I go to PASG
You should too
I'm not that guy who used to do
Everything worldly 
Because I'm out-this-worldly
I'm not of this world see?
I've been saved and will never return to my 15 years a slave

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